Because of The Velveteen Rabbit (George H. Doran Company, 1922), a young boy became an engaged reader. And because a second-grade teacher cared, an award-winning author was born.
A helpful characteristic of nonfiction books is that their titles usually explain quite succinctly what they are about. I’m taking advantage of that this month since I will be on vacation! [...]
Check out these exciting easy and fiction titles that are published in June. ELEMENTARY PICTURE BOOKS Blue Sky White Stars by Sarvinder Naberhaus (ill. by Kadir Nelson). 9780803737006. [...]
It was my 16th year in education and I reluctantly left the classroom to take a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) role at the district office. I had been actively involved in developing a [...]
For me, one of the most powerful pieces of the Maker Movement is that it is based on the belief that regardless of race, gender or even age, there is something in it for everyone. Makerspaces in [...]
These exciting nonfiction titles were published in May. PRIMARY NONFICTION Around the World Right Now by Gina Cascone & Bryony Williams Sheppard (ill. by Olivia Beckman). [...]
Check out these exciting easy and fiction titles that were published in May. ELEMENTARY PICTURE BOOKS 7 Ate 9 by Tara Lazer (ill. Ross MacDonald). 9781484717790. 2017. Gr PK-1. The [...]